Amtrak Experience


My Bad Experience On Amtrak

I got to King County Train station in Seattle before my bus was supposed to depart but only to find out they had forgotten to bring accessible bus for me especially after making it crystal clear with them that I needed an accessible bus a month in advance. They said they dropped the ball and it was embarrassing for them. That did not make me feel any better. It was very frustrating because it seemed like a small oversight  for them but was a very big deal for me. These things tend to happen a lot to me whether it’s a restaurant that isn’t accessible or transport. It seems to be that there is this universal expectation out there among people, companies and corporations to accept inaccessibility and not to complain about it. I feel that people need to speak up more when these situations arise.  Many people seem to turn a blind eye to accessibility until they become more aware of it. That definitely needs to change.

Thanks for reading.


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